Clinical Supervision session with Dr. Alan Krohn

81K+hHWsrOLSamutthana will be organizing a clinical supervision session with Dr. Alan Krohn who is an erudite psychoanalyst and clinical psychologist from Michigan, USA. Please see flyer attached for further details about him.

It is a great learning and sharing opportunity for all of us in the mental health field, and it would enable us to have a richer understanding of our clients and their stories.

Dr. Krohn brings with him expertise and experience gained from years of working with adults and adolescents who have undergone trauma and he has also worked in Sri Lanka after the Tsunami in 2004 concentrating on disaster mental health. His understanding of Sri Lankan culture would further enrich the supervision process.

The clinical supervision session will be held on the 15th of November ( Saturday) from 10am to 12pm at the Samutthana premises. We invite you to bring your cases, and share them with us so that it will a mode of learning for everyone present. The supervision will be provided free of charge.

An Opportunity Not to Be Missed! 

Please confirm your participation at the earliest with Samutthana.

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